Shop Titans Wiki

The Thief is the first available class in the Rogue archetype.

Innate Skills[]

Thief's innate skill rank ups.

Skill Rank All Effect
Scoundrel 1 --- +25% Attack with Dagger
Dashing Rogue 2 10 +10 Health and +50% Attack with Dagger
Master Thief 3 40 +30 Health and +100% Attack with Dagger

Trickster's innate skill rank ups.

Skill Rank All Effect
Trickster's Edge 1 --- +25% Attack with Dagger, Bow and Crossbow, +3% to Polonia's steal chance, and +2 max items stolen.
Killing Joke 2 50 +50% Attack with Dagger, Bow and Crossbow, +20 Health, +3% to Polonia's steal chance, and +2 max items stolen.
Final Trick 3 80 +100% Attack with Dagger, Bow and Crossbow, +60 Health, +3% to Polonia's steal chance, and +2 max items stolen.

Available Skills[]

Click to view tiered statistics. This list may be incomplete.

Name Rarity
Perforate Common
Eagle Eyes Common
Maintenance Common
Sturdy Common
Crossbow Master Common
Fast Healer Rare
Acrobatics Common
Backstab Common
Magic Darts Common
Parry Common
Caltrops Rare
Throw Daggers Rare
Finesse Rare
Hinder Rare
Curse Rare
Antimagic Net Rare
Glancing Blows Rare
Whirlwind Attack Epic
Assassinate Epic
Dance of Blades Epic
Cloak & Dagger Epic
Extended Warranty Epic
Fast Learner Common
Super Genius Epic
Survivor Epic
Toughness Rare
Impervious Epic
Juggernaut Rare
Blurred Movement Epic
Extra Conditioning Rare
Deception Rare
All Natural Rare
Deadly Criticals Rare
Death Dealer Epic
Telling Blows Rare
Dagger Master Common
Bow Master Common
Warlord Epic
Marksman Epic