Shop Titans Wiki
Shop Titans Wiki

Lost City of Gold is a guild event that happens every four weeks, with the occasional extra event occurring as decided by Kabam Games. This event always happens during the weekend, usually starting on Saturday at 0:00:00 UTC and lasting 48-hours, though there have been events that started on Friday at 0:00:00 UTC that lasted for 72-hours. During the events, guilds can send their heroes on quests for pure gold. As the guild gains more pure gold, they are able to earn higher tiers of rewards.

Stone Sentinel[]


During the event, players can send teams of heroes to try to defeat the Stone Sentinel.

The following information table is from the FAQ and Guild v4.2 by Laterus#6666. The defense caps have a +/- 200 error ratio.

LCOG Quests
Defense Cap Min Damage Enemy HP
Norm Boss Norm Boss Norm Boss
1 100 100 4 4 500 1,000
2 500 600 7 5 10,000 15,000
3 600 700 7 8 10,000 14,000
4 800 1,100 9 10 18,000 25,000
5 1,200 1,400 12 13 25,000 35,000
6 1,500 1,800 15 18 50,000 75,000
7 2,200 2,600 38 41 150,000 200,000
8 2,800 3,000 50 55 220,000 300,000
9 3,000 3,200 70 75 350,000 500,000
10 3,600 4,000 80 90 600,000 999,999

Pure Gold[]


As the players defeat the Stone Sentinel, they will earn pure gold from King Reinhold which allows them to progress through tiers of rewards.

Reward Tiers[]


The Lost City of Gold offers many exclusive rewards which include exclusive Luxurious Blueprints. There are usually 21 tiers, with the 10th and 21st tier being a Luxurious Blueprint, unless the player already has that blueprint. Then the tier is replaced with a number of Golden Artifacts. To obtain the 21st tier, 30,000 Pure Gold bars must be earned by the guild. There have been special events were the guilds had 3 days to complete 25 tiers.

Event Dates[]

  • July 11-12, 2020
  • June 13-14, 2020
  • May 16-17, 2020
  • April 24-26, 2020
  • April 11-12, 2020