Shop Titans Wiki
Shop Titans Wiki
Guild Perks

Guild Perks are permanent upgrades that affect all members of a guild that can be purchased with renown by the guild leadership.

Guild Based
A high guild level unlocks the ability to purchase more perks
Increase the number of bounty slots on the Bounty Board
Decreases the amount of time to switch Guild's Choice
Resource Pack Stack

Resource Pack Stack

Increases the number of times your guild members can renew guild coins for resources each day
Furniture Based
Increases the amount of common resources that your bins can hold
Increases the amount of uncommon resources that your bins can hold
Increases the amount of rare resources that your bins can hold
File:Essence Capacity.png

Essence Capacity

Increases the amount of essence that your bin can hold
Increases the amount of energy provided by vertical racks
Increases the amount of energy provided by mannequins
Increases the amount of energy provided by tables
Increases the amount of energy provided by shelves
Increases the storage capacity of trunks
Increases the stack size of trunks
Increase the duration and stacking capability of Craft Boost
Increase the duration and stacking capability of Quest Boost
Increase the duration and stacking capability of XP Boost
Increase the duration and stacking capability of Resource Boost
Trade Perks
File:Market Offer Increase.png

Market Offer Increase

Increase market offer stack size
File:Market Request Increase.png

Market Request Increase

Increase market request stack size
Permanent Regen Boost
File:Common Resource Regen.png

Common Resource Regen

Increases regeneration of common resources
File:Uncommon Resource Regen.png

Uncommon Resource Regen

Increases regeneration of uncommon resources
File:Rare Resource Regen.png

Rare Resource Regen

Increases regeneration of rare resources
File:Essence Regen.png

Essence Regen

Increases regeneration of essence