Shop Titans Wiki
Shop Titans Wiki

Furniture is what is displayed through out the shop and is used to facilitate different interactions with customers and fellow guild members.

Type of
Counter Used to interact with customers
Racks Displays crafted equipment for customers
Resource Bins Determines maximum of a resource that a player can have
Indoor Decorations Used for prestige and customers will admire for energy
Outdoor Decorations Used for prestige
Floor Coverings Only for cosmetic display

Guild Interactions[]

Players can clean the furniture of a guild member which gives energy to that guild member based on their friendship level while giving the cleaning player 10 Guild Coins.


  • All furniture, with the exception of floor coverings, can be cleaned by guildmates.
  • The Shopkeeper's counter is the only piece of furniture that cannot be stored.
  • The Shopkeeper's counter and item racks can have their appearance upgraded with gold or gems to grant prestige.


  • During the tutorial the counter is called the Shopkeeper's Counter.