How to Start Playing
Building a guild has been an interesting experience in this game because most experienced players do not want to join a new guild. So most of my pool of recruits comes from building up new players and helping them to learn some key strategies and then become productive players. If you did a brief search and found an article from mid-2019 (Heroes: Who to Hire, Retire, or Avoid), I can understand your frustration.
But I do have something that is regularly updated, the FAQ and Guide by Laterus#9999. But when I do this, part of me always worries that they will take it as the only way to play the game. Even at the beginning of the FAQ, Laterus clearly states that it contains guidelines, but there are many out there who love to min/max the fun ou…
Ascensions: Rings and Necklaces
Following up on my previous article topics, I’ve listed my opinion on rings worth ascension. Keep in mind that any items I consider to have ascension importance of 1 are items that you should definitely ascend. Items listed with an ascension importance of 2 are items you should only ascend if you have extra shards available after ascending “importance 1” items.
[Note: Any items shown in the screenshots but not specifically mentioned are items from add-on packs, which will be discussed in a different article.)
Ascension Importance 2:
- T3 Ruby Ring (Ascend twice for quality chance increase and multi-craft chance increase)
- T4 Silver Band (Ascend twice for time reduction and muti-craft chance increase)
- T7 Batrachite Stone (Ascend twice for resource …